Let's Bring Smart Transit to New Jersey

There's a Better Way
We are a group against the proposed Glassboro Camden speed rail.
How GCL Will Harm Our Communities
The harms that would be caused by the ill-conceived GCL are numerous.
The impetus for this is not from the people. No legislative or public vote has occured on this proposal.

Wasted Tax Money
If ridership is low, as is expected, then passenger fares will not cover operation costs. And this will likely lead to local government subsidies, as has happened previously with other projects.
The Delaware River Port Authority estimated the construction cost in 2009 was $1.3B. Of course, it would be much more today.
This will be a transfer of taxpayer funds into an asset owned by Conrail, a for-profit corporation.
We'll also have unexpected and unseen costs to taxpayers:
Lower taxes from impacted local businesses during construction, expected to be 8 years.
Fixing the problems to the environment and safety.
For these and other reasons, we recommend a better alternative to the GCL high-speed train